Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sexting/Sending Nakies!!!!

Okay so i was reading this article on Cosmo about the topic of sexting and sending nudes. They did a survey for their readers and 64% of females said yes they have took part in sexting and/or have sent nudes or provocative pictures. & dont quote me on this statisitc because for all i know it could be complete bullshit. But i read somewhere on google when i was looking it up that 55% of females send nudes/sext before age 23. Okay well first off let me just say I promised I would start being more raw with you guys. Because I want you to know your are not alone & the most shameful, personal, specific things your going through are universal. So if you can relate its all worth it even if its at my own expense. Now if you can’t relate well, shit idk, enjoy i guess just dont be a judgmental bitch. Then again thats really out of my control.
Now to be completly honest I think i sent my first naked picture in middle school. Wait it wasn’t naked but it was with my bra and panties. It was for my boyfriend at the time. We were on the phone one night and things were getting spicy lol, or should i say as spicy as a 13 year old virgin could get. Then he was like “Would you ever send me a naked picture?” I was all stuck. I dont really remember what I said after that but i know it was along the lines of me saying “ If you show anyone ill kill you” Then I did. Now beyond that in my lifetime I know i’ve sent a few nakies to guys I dated and i’m not proud of it but at the same time i’m not beating myself them about it either. & In my opinon if you have you shouldnt beat yourself up too much about it either. I mean you’re human and you live and learn.
       I feel like almost every girl has done it. & If you haven’t Good for you “want a cookie?”
If your young, my advice to you would be not to send them. I know my experience wasnt horrible. But one of my friends in middle school sent one and it actually got passed out in school which wasnt a fun experience. & thats just middle school for you you shouldnt really expect anything less from a middle school boy who is probably seeing his first set of boobs. I guess i got lucky. Then again you prob wont listen, because i know at that age I didnt. So go ahead and make your own mistakes I guess.
Now if you’re around my age I’d say it’s ultimatly your decision. If you doi’d suggest being in a relationship with the person or at least make sure you really trust that person. Its not the smartest thing to do because shit this day and age nobody is really safe out here lol *cough cough Megan Good, Gaberielle Union etc. But we all know that yet still do it because shit
thats just how it is.
Also let me just add this before I go. Don’t do it because you feel pressured by the person. & If that person is mad at you because you dont send them thats really all the conformation you need on your relationship at the end of the day.
PS: Like India Arie said “don’t be offended this is all my opinion
Ain’t nothing that I’m saying law” This is just the perspective of an 18 yr old girl still learning

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